Friday, April 5, 2013

China's Baidu may compete with their own version of Google Glass

Google may be in the works to produce their Google Glass, but now they have a direct competitor with another search engine from the east ? China?s Baidu.?

Baidu Inc. is currently in the process of developing what they call the ?Baidu Eye?, and they do have a prototype that is being tested.? However, the company says they aren?t sure if they will actually be marketing the idea and may wait to see how Google does with their own version first.

Kaiser Kuo, who serves as an official spokesman for Baidu, describes the device as something similar to the Google Glass. ?It will contain a small LCD screen in the eyewear that would allow for voice commands. ?Kuo said it would also be able to interpret facial recognition match, which is something Google glass has not promoted.

The image search along with facial recognition allows for the user to check images against Baidu?s stockpile of images, much like Google's popular image search.? The user could then verify a person or persons captured with their eyewear.

China's Baidu may compete with their own version of Google Glass

It is obviously apparent that Baidu is trying to copy some of the ideas that Google has brought about in recent years, but they do not want to be compared to Google.? Kuo said that comparisons to Google Glass were ?premature? since the company has not decided on a real production run.

In an interview with Reuters News,?Kuo said that the company has not decided if they will release the eyewear and emphasized ?that Baidu is working on all kinds of technology.

"We haven't decided whether it is going to be released in any commercial form right now,? Kuo said ??[W]e experiment with every kind of technology that is related to search.?



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