In a market crowded by ocelots, cows and mountain lions, it's nice to see an operating system that isn't named after an animal. The trend bucking OS? Debian's 7.0 update, Wheezy. Okay, it's technically the name of a penguin from Toy Story, but we'll give it a pass. The distro's latest revision hit over the weekend, offering users an improved installer, new media codecs, UEFI support and a handful of tools to help users create their own XCP and OpenStack cloud severs. Perhaps even more significant is multiarch support, which allows the OS to install packages for both 32 and 64-bit machines simultaneously, improving support for legacy applications. The update includes a ton of software updates as well. Thinking of upgrading? You'll find release notes and download information at the source link.
Filed under: Software
Via: Phoronix
Source: Debian
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